Follow the link above to answer the referendum question as I prepare to take residence at the Republic of Brexitopia at The Espacio Gallery, London:

When the UK leaves the EU, should The Europarc Business Park North East Lincolnshire change it's name, yes or no?
If yes, what do you suggest could be a new name? Thank you. Marc Renshaw - Europarc Brexecutive.

I have a long-established interest in non–places & transitional zones which include motorway services, airports & business parks. My local research point is Europarc – the flagship business park in North East Lincolnshire & its surrounding environs. The site is a short drive from my rural village home. As we prepare to leave the EU, I fear for the psychological future of Europarc and the subliminally negative impact to the wider area if there were to be a re-naming of the site. As a conceptual self-governing state, Europarc remains a dependent zone of the Republic of Brexitopia. I now reluctantly serve in a newly self-appointed official role of Europarc Brexecutive Signifier. A potential Britpark Executive Council in-waiting will be required to divorce itself from a world in which Europarc existed. Whereby, all EU law and UK policies relating to the EU will be needed to be annulled, thus preparing the foundations for a revised Europarc.