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Louise Webb

Artist interested in miscommunication, ethics of AI learning, alternative education and social learning.

Webb’s practice currently explores communication,  miscommunication, misinterpretation and mistakes through the participation of narrative. Through the use of moving image, Webb has been investigating the intimacy of electronic devices and digital hospitality observing how new social histories and fictional realities are being created through shared technologies. Webb is interested in how these inevitable formats of communication can be used to share collective joy, resistance and hope while being faced with the difficulties of privacy, false news and hidden algorithms.  This correlates with her involvement in facilitating workshops inspired by accessible and collective learning. 

Influenced by work ethics, AI, digital communication, peripherals, language and myth through a multidisciplinary practice.

Webb's practice predominantly centers around the suspension of disbelief; the engagement that occurs consciously by the audience and the act of accepting fictional information that is presented temporarily as fact. She collages using the interaction between 2D, 3D and time-based languages -to challenge the boundaries of these forms. This develops a new narrative created by the viewer's interpretation,  the initial source of information is now transformed and the idea of truth is altered. Using installation and accompanying interpretive material. Louise works in Public engagement, interested in how audiences participate with art orientated spaces and how shared spaces can utilise to access what public audiences actually want. Louise is interested in exploring these spaces (noting how certain entertainment spaces e.g cinemas can be more effective than civil spaces e.g council controlled environments in audience engagement) through shared documentation and exploring how these spaces can be adapted through public feedback.



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