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Eliana Sánchez Aldana

Colombia, Bogotá
Designer, weaver, feminist, textile researcher-maker

Designer, weaver, and feminist from Bogotá. I create spaces of collective creation and material discussion in which textile making is the protagonist. I research-make textiles as particular ways of thinking, as touch technologies that are experienced through the body, transforming who makes them.

I studied Design at the National University of Colombia. I hold a Master of Sciences in Textile Management of The Swedish School of Textiles and studies in Design and Textile Art at Aalto University. Currently, I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Human and Social Sciences at the National University of Colombia. My research project is focused on the exploration of textile performances as encounters of human and more-than-human subjects. Reunions in which is made the common and I, as a weaver, (un)make myself.

I work as an associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Universidad de Los Andes. Since August 2022 I am the Regional Editor - Latin America - for TEXTILE: Cloth & Culture.


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