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Simon Warner


I am interested in landscape history, environmental change and early photography. I have produced  a number of photographic exhibitions and films looking at rivers and coastlines, and I worked with the late Professor Jay Appleton on a show exploring his Prospect-Refuge theory of landscape aesthetics.

A NESTA Fellowship enabled me to develop a parallel strand of work in performative lecturing, and I have delivered talks, walks and events on landscape history, early photography and 19th century visual culture.

I run educational workshops on basic photography, video-making and silhouette drawing. My silhouette portrait workshop has run at the Latitude Festival, Tate Modern, V&A, Harewood House and Burlington Arcade (for London Fashion Week). I have co-curated exhibitions at South Square Gallery and the Brontë Parsonage Museum, as well as a Symposium on landscape and literature in Haworth.

I am a co-founder of Whitestone Arts, a research base and producing company based in the Pennine countryside.








Image, Instinct and Imagination: Landscape as sign language

By  Simon Warner

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