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Amanda Loomes

Amanda Loomes is an artist working with experimental documentary. She collaborates with communities to make film and audio works that consider collective human endeavour. She wonders what future societies will make of us.

People at work have always preoccupied me. I am particularly moved by the effort of people whose work goes unnoticed, or work that becomes erased or undone. In my practice I am drawn to record their labour to see if art can inscribe value or somehow make things fairer. I usually work with the short experimental documentary form, wryly utilizing the redemptive power of non-linear video editing in is ability to speed up, reverse, repeat and stop. Working with and through people is a key part of my practice and I often encourage people to make a creative response to the situation in which we find ourselves, partly out of curiosity and because of the reciprocity this sets up. Through my work I consider the frailty and resilience of human endeavour.


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